This project revolves around a series of enigmatic instruments in the Spitfire Audio LABS software known as Sirens. The EP follows a tragic tale of sailors drifting off course, entranced by the Sirens and eventually sinking into the merky depths. Be prepared for deep, watery drum and bass, dubstep and progressive electronic.
This single originated from main menu music for my game jam project of the same name. This is my favourite track to date. It has a lush neon feel that is constantly moving, with echoing synths and a stabbing bass.
As we were itching to emerge from our national hibernation after the pandemic, there was some sense of intrepidation. This single has a somewhat sombre feel, but drives forward with raw acoustic drums mixed with a cutting bassline.
The artwork for this single, done by r o r t, encapsulates the feeling of this track - exploring ancient ruins deep in the forest. It features hypnotic pulsing synths with a creeping crescendo.
I completed this EP around the time of my dissertation for university. It consists of a range of styles including instrumental hip-hop, house, ambience and drum and bass.
This summery single was a collaboration with my friend CMOS. CMOS provided some funky guitar loops that form the foundation for this instrumental hip-hop beat.
This EP was to prove to myself that making music could be as organic as I made it. All of the beats here are sample-based with lush lo-fi textures.